Month: August 2017


“Maybe I was naive, got lost in your eyes — never really had a chance.” – Taylor Swift Ten years ago this week ( @ St. Earth ), only 18 months into my leap to being a full-time potter, I pulled the ripcord. Still falling in that direction, but slowing the descent to a less-terrifying rate, with a parachute I’d unexpectedly found strapped to my back. I didn’t come to realize that I needed to […]


“The town was shut down on Sunday, but the Norwegians didn’t observe any religion except work.” – Pete Hamill So, TC’s been writing. CG hasn’t. BP hasn’t. MK hasn’t. RP has, sort of — way more than me, at least. I haven’t. Guh. If only the world had figured out a way to spin the blogging renaissance into an even slightly-paid gig; I mean, it wouldn’t have to be much to compete with pottery money, […]