
“I get directions and pretend I’m somewhere else.” – Ryan Adams

Sometimes I get stuck, like on a single segment of a line. A slight curve in space, leading somewhere unseen, maybe, or seen, yet hinting at boundaries that probably exist (but might not). Sometimes, a single beautiful bit of a line is enough to bring the whole thing to a standstill. Breath catches, eyes go blank as I think, “now how can i possibly catch that line?” How to capture a moment in space, draw it into the open air on a random October morning and yet keep it and hold it there, until that lattice of glass and clay cracks or splinters apart, far away and maybe never even reported back home, to me. 

How could I do that? What would I give to be able to? And do I actually have anything left to sacrifice?

Sometimes I get stuck, like on a single segment of a line. 

Nighttime poor impulse control //

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“Gonna take a lot of shit for me… To stay away.”